100% Vegan
The fur business directly or indirectly causes the death of around 140 million animals a year, 80 million of which are not even useful to the fur industry. The aim of this fabric, a natural material created by ourselves for our trainers, is to gradually put an end to a practice that is as cruel and merciless as it is unnecessary.
After looking for alternatives
No animal suffering
This material is the future of synthetic fabrics. It is a skin developed artificially with elements that are responsible with both animal life and the planet. Thanks to this material we have managed to obtain properties and characteristics similar to natural skin, which makes its touch, hardness, resistance and beauty similar to animal fabrics, but free of all mistreatment and death of any living being. In addition to this aspect, we have taken into account another aspect which, although little known, is also very relevant.
Free of animal suffering
90% of leather fabrics designed by the textile industries are tanned with chromium. This substance, although it can be useful for humans and the environment, has a decomposition process in which contaminants enter the environment causing pollution of groundwater, rivers, seas and oceans.
100% animal tissue free
Vegan production
The values that represent our commitment to the world and its species. Our mission is not just to become a trainer brand, we want to be part of the movement the world needs, working to awaken the collective conscience and help stop animal extinction, global deforestation rates and increasingly dangerous climate change.
Plastic-free shipping
All our shipments and packaging are made from environmentally friendly materials and no plastic bags or seals are used. We use recycled cardboard boxes and a seal made from recycled cellulose fibres.
Who is going to clean the oceans of the nylon continents? Which country has the strength to face the reforestation of this planet alone? Who can face the overflow over the island world? If humanity is not capable of thinking as a species, if it continues to think only as a country and as a social class, then civilisation is doomed. We have the means that mankind has never had before, the tools that have never existed before. This coming together is a historic step to fight to be strong, and to be able to influence this world in favour of defending life.
- Ellen Degeneres